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libhpxml.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bstring.h"
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Data Structures

struct  hpx_ctrl_t
struct  hpx_attr_t
struct  hpx_tag_t
struct  hpx_tree_t


#define IS_XML1CHAR(x)   (isalpha(x) || (x == '_') || (x == ':'))
#define IS_XMLCHAR(x)   (isalpha(x) || isdigit(x) || (x == '.') || (x == '-') || (x == '_') || (x == ':'))
#define hpx_init_simple()   hpx_init(0, 10*1024*1024)
#define MMAP_PAGES   (1L << 15)


enum  {


long hpx_lineno (void)
void hpx_tm_free (hpx_tag_t *t)
void hpx_tm_free_tree (hpx_tree_t *)
hpx_tag_thpx_tm_create (int n)
int hpx_process_elem (bstring_t b, hpx_tag_t *p)
hpx_ctrl_thpx_init (int fd, long len)
void hpx_init_membuf (hpx_ctrl_t *ctl, void *buf, int len)
void hpx_free (hpx_ctrl_t *ctl)
int hpx_get_elem (hpx_ctrl_t *ctl, bstring_t *b, int *in_tag, long *lno)
long hpx_get_eleml (hpx_ctrl_t *ctl, bstringl_t *b, int *in_tag, long *lno)
int hpx_fprintf_tag (FILE *f, const hpx_tag_t *p)
int hpx_tree_resize (hpx_tree_t **tl, int n)

Detailed Description

This file contains all structures and prototypes for the high performance XML parser library libhpxml.

Bernhard R. Fischer

Function Documentation

long hpx_get_eleml ( hpx_ctrl_t ctl,
bstringl_t b,
int *  in_tag,
long *  lno 
ctlPointer to valid hpx_ctrl_t structure.
bPointer to bstring_t. This structure will be filled out by this function.
in_tagis set to 1 or 0, either it is a tag or not. It is optional and may be NULL.
lnoPointer to integer which will contain the starting line number of b. lno may be NULL.
Length of element (always >= 1) if everything is ok. b will contain a valid bstring to the element. -1 is returned in case of error. On eof, 0 is returned.
hpx_ctrl_t* hpx_init ( int  fd,
long  len 
fdInput file descriptor.
lenRead buffer length. If len is negative, the file is memory mapped with mmap(). This works only if it was compiled with WITH_MMAP.
mattrMaximum number of attributes per tag.
Pointer to allocated hpx_ctrl_t structure. On error NULL is returned and errno is set. If compiled without WITH_MMAP and hpx_init() is called with negative len parameter, NULL is returned and errno is set to EINVAL.
void hpx_init_membuf ( hpx_ctrl_t ctl,
void *  buf,
int  len 

This function initializes a hpx_ctrl_t structure to be used for input from a memory buffer (instead of a file).

ctlPointer to hpx_ctrl_t structure which will be initialized properly.
bufPointer to memory buffer.
lenNumber of bytes within memory buffer.
int hpx_process_elem ( bstring_t  b,
hpx_tag_t p 

Parses bstring into hpx_tag_t structure. The bstring buffer must contain a single XML element with correct boundaries. This is either a tag (<....>) or just text.

bBstring containing pointer to an element.
inMust be set to 0 if element is literal text, otherwise 1 if it is a tag.
pPointer to valid hpx_tag_t structure. The structure will we filled out.
Returns 0 if the bstring could be successfully parsed, otherwise -1.
void hpx_tm_free_tree ( hpx_tree_t tlist)

This function recursively frees a tree with all its subtrees and tags.

tlistPointer to tree which should be freed.
int hpx_tree_resize ( hpx_tree_t **  tl,
int  n 

Resize tag tree.

nNumber of sub tags to add to tree.