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smcoast.c File Reference
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "smrender_dev.h"
#include "smcoast.h"
Include dependency graph for smcoast.c:

Data Structures

struct  refine


#define SQR(a)   ((a) * (a))
#define MAX_DEVIATION   50
#define MAX_ITERATION   3
#define MAX_CFAC   2.0


const osm_way_tpage_way (void)
int is_closed_poly (const osm_way_t *w)
int gather_poly0 (osm_way_t *w, struct wlist **wl)
void init_cat_poly (struct rdata *rd)
struct wlistinit_wlist (void)
int act_cat_poly_ini (smrule_t *r)
int act_cat_poly_main (smrule_t *r, osm_obj_t *o)
int act_cat_poly_fini (smrule_t *r)
int compare_poly_area (const struct poly *p1, const struct poly *p2)
int act_refine_poly_ini (smrule_t *r)
int act_refine_poly_main (smrule_t *r, osm_way_t *w)
int act_refine_poly_fini (smrule_t *r)

Detailed Description

This file contains the code which is used to close open polygons. Open polygons obviously cannot be filled, thus the must be closed before. Open polygons occure at the edges of the bounding box which is used to select data out of the OSM database. This is one of the most difficult parts at all.

The basic stages of this polygon-closing algorithm are as follows: 1) Gather all open polygons. 2) Create pdef list which contains all end points of open polygons (pdef_cnt = open_poly_cnt * 2). 3) Retrieve node ids from those points (each start and end point). 4) Sort pdef list by node id. 5) Set prev/next pointers for each point in pdef list at their neighboring points, i.e. if one start point has the same node id as the neighbor end point (poly_find_adj2()). Then it is the same point (node) which belongs to two differrent ways, thus those ways have to be connected. 6) Loop over all ways in the list (loop_detect() returns number of open ways). 6.1) Count nodes of "connected" (next/prev-pointered) ways and detect if there is a loop, i.e. a circular list of ways (count_poly_ref() = 1 if loop, 0 if unclosed). 6.2) Create new way with the according number of nodes (node count = sum of all connected ways). 6.3) Copy node ids of all connected ways to newly created way (join_open_poly()). Mark ways which have been processed as deleteable (from list). Mark those which are still open (i.e. not already looped) as open. 6.4) Put new way to way pool. 7) Free pdef list. 8) Trim open ways to edges of page. 9) Create new pdef list with number of still open ways. 10) Add all end points to pdef list and calculate their bearing from the center point of the rendering area (poly_get_brg() returns number of open ways). 11) Sort points by bearing. 12) Iterate over all points in the order of the list (connect_open()): find first start node and next end node. 12.1) Test if both are on the same edge of the rendering area, otherwise append additional corner point(s) of the rendering rectangle which are between the start and end node in clockwise order behind the end node. 12.2) If start and end node belong to the same way, close polygon, i.e. append start node at the end. 12.3)

Bernhard R. Fischer

Function Documentation

int gather_poly0 ( osm_way_t w,
struct wlist **  wl 

This function adds a way w to the way list wl thereby reallocating the waylist.

wPointer to the way.
wlPointer to a way list pointer. The way list must be freed again later.
Always returns 0. FIXME: This function exits the program if realloc() fails.
void init_cat_poly ( struct rdata rd)

Initialization function for center and corner points.

struct wlist* init_wlist ( void  )

Initialization function for way list structure.

int is_closed_poly ( const osm_way_t w)

Check if way is a closed polygon and is an area (i.e. it has at least 4 points).

wPointer to way.
1 if it is a closed area, 0 otherwise.